What is EBOO Ozone Therapy?
EBOO Therapy, Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenationand Ozonation, is a therapy used to help treat various health conditions, chronic inflammation and infections, as well as immune system dysfunction. EBOO Therapy is a wonderful choice to help detoxify the body and help promote natural healing.
This advanced medical treatment is gaining a lot of traction as a more natural approach to healing.
EBOO Therapy is a blood filtration and detoxification treatment that can be used for both acute and chronic health conditions, enhance the body, and help restore natural healing and immune system function.
This revolutionary treatment is great for conditions that are chronic and may be able to help treat them, as well as prevent them from flaring up or worsening in the future.
Benefits of EBOO Therapy Treatments
EBOO therapy offers many different benefits. Some of those benefits include assistance with treating chronic conditions, as well as the ability to help detox the body from harmful toxins.
Top benefits include:
- Increases cellular oxygen levels, which improves energy and metabolism
- Helps to reduce the toxins in the blood
- Helps support the immune system to achieve relief of chronic inflammation, as well as reduce the severity of illness
- Improves circulation, which can help with getting oxygen to tissues and organs
- Offers pain relief
- Supports better cognitive function
Chronic Conditions Treated by EBOO Therapy
EBOO therapy can treat a wide variety of disorders and medical conditions. Some of these include autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic conditions that can be treated include:
- Lyme Disease
- Long Covid
- Hepatitis
- And many more.
Many individuals benefit from EBOO therapy if they are suffering from hypertension and chronic heart disease. EBOO therapy can also be used to help reduce the symptoms of certain cancers.
What Sets EBOO Therapy Treatment Apart?
There are several factors that set EBOO therapy apart from other forms of therapy, including the ability to oxygenate blood better than many of the available alternative therapies.
EBOO effectively removes toxins, heavy metals, and metabolic waste from the blood. Its filtration process can target a high volume of blood for more thorough detoxification compared with other therapies for removing toxins or even dialysis.
It simultaneously oxygenates and ozonates blood outside the body, enhancing the oxygen delivery and promoting powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Unlike other oxygen therapies, EBOO acts directly on the blood for maximum efficiency.
EBOO and autohemotherapy vary in when and in what manner they are utilized, and in effectiveness, even when both utilize ozone. Despite both being utilized similarly, both vary in terms of when one can start seeing its effects. Fewer sessions of EBOO are utilized.
EBOO and autohemotherapy serve as different treatments. EBOO treats long-term, severe, and widespread ailments that require a lot of detox and additional oxygenation. Autohemotherapy, in contrast, treats minor infection and aims at fortifying the immune system, and it can stand alone, but can also be utilized in combination with other therapies for minor ailments.
Why EBOO is the Gold Standard in Los Angeles
EBOO therapy is the most efficient medical detox and oxygenation therapy in modern times. It works effectively for several reasons: it can detoxify blood, boost oxygen, and heal at a cellular level—something conventional therapies cannot deliver.
Most patients report increased energy, heightened mental sharpness, less aches, and accelerated healing for conditions such as autoimmune disease, recurring infection, heart disease, and even with complex diseases as Lyme disease and mold toxicity.
With EBOO, employing it can stimulate the immune system and detoxify blood, providing long-term gain unachievable with conventional therapies.
EBOO works effectively and has fewer side effects. For many, including healthy individuals wanting to boost overall wellness and persons with recurring disease, it turns out to be an effective alternative and supportive therapy.
Its efficiency, quick impact, and strong detox capabilities make EBOO the first preference for alternative and supportive therapy, a new benchmark for whole healing and wellness.
How Does EBOO Therapy at Nenergy Boost Work?
The strong impact of EBOO begins with its extraordinary process. Unlike traditional detox therapies, EBOO withdraws significant blood from the body and processes it with medical-grade oxygen and ozonated water.
It destroys toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens, and raises blood oxygenation remarkably high. With its two-step mechanism, blood circulation increases, inflammation lessens, and body tissues become healthy.
Blood Extraction
The process begins with the drawing of blood from the patient via a sterile, closed-loop system, utilizing two intravenous lines-one to withdraw and one to return the blood post-treatment.
Oxygenation & Ozonation
The blood drawn is placed into a specially designed chamber where it comes into contact with a controlled mixture of medical-grade oxygen and ozone.
Oxygenation improves oxygen saturation in the blood, enhancing cellular metabolism and energy production.
Ozonization occurs when ozone directly interacts with the components of the blood due to strong biological effects, which include antimicrobial activity and immune support.
Filtration & Detoxification
Following ozonation, the patient’s blood passes through a high-efficiency filtration system, which extracts the products of waste metabolism, inflammatory markers, heavy metals, microclots, and other toxins out of the blood, unlike dialysis, which has as its prime functions fluid balance and the removal of waste products, EBOO filters at a molecular level to support deep detoxification.
This filtered, oxygen-rich, and ozonated blood is safely returned to the patient’s body via the second IV line. The reinfused blood has increased oxygen levels, reduced toxins, and immune system supporting compounds.
How Long Does Eboo Take?
The entire treatment takes about sixty to ninety minutes for each session, making it a convenient treatment to fit into even busy schedules.
What to Expect After Treatment
Following EBOO treatment, there are some things that you can expect to happen within your body. Some post-treatment expectations can occur immediately following treatment, while others are more long-term and can be achieved with repeat treatments.
Immediate Effects
- Increased Energy
- Mental Clarity
- Improved Circulation
Long-Term Benefits
- Reduced Inflammation
- Stronger Immune Response
- Relief from Symptoms of Chronic Conditions
Following EBOO treatments, you may expect some slight fatigue, as well as flu like symptoms, which can occur as toxins leave your body.
Who Can Benefit from EBOO Therapy?
EBOO therapy can be helpful for a variety of individuals, such as those who suffer from chronic conditions such as those listed above. Individuals also seeking preventative health care may benefit from EBOO therapy, thanks to the immune system support that can be achieved with treatment. Those who are suffering from autoimmune disorders, such as diabetes, can benefit.
Is EBOO Therapy Right for You?
While EBOO Therapy is helpful for many patients, it is not the right answer for everyone. It is important to consult with a medical professional before seeking EBOO therapy treatment.
Individuals who have uncontrolled bleeding disorders, severe anemia, active heart failure, certain uncontrolled cardiovascular conditions, or who are pregnant should not be treated with EBOO therapy.
Safety Precautions to Consider
Before undergoing EBOO therapy, you should speak to a physician to assess your overall health and discuss any conditions that might make you unable to receive EBOO therapy. Before getting treatment, it is important to stay hydrated before and after, as well as avoid any alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours following treatment.
Proper nutrition beforehand, as well as adequate sleep, are important to a successful EBOO treatment.
Science Behind EBOO Therapy
EBOO therapy involves a patient’s blood being removed from the body and processed with ozone and oxygen for healing purposes. Therapy begins with blood drawing, purification, and processing through a medical device specifically designed for such a purpose. Medical grade ozonated (O₃) and oxygenated (O₂) blood is blended with the patient’s blood, enhancing healing.
The ozonation in EBOO brings about several positive factors, such as a strengthening of a person’s immune system, enhancing tissue delivery of oxygen, and purification of blood through detoxing toxins out of it. Ozonated blood can react with blood constituents and form ROS, free radicals that can destroy pathogen microbes and inhibit inflammation. ROS can stimulate a person’s metabolism and efficiency in utilizing oxygen in cells.
The blood is then returned to a patient’s body following therapy. EBOO can correct such ailments as long-term infection, autoimmune disease, and compromised blood circulation. EBOO is also regarded as a source of energizing, detoxing, and healing overall. Most patients report improvement following therapy, but studies and larger trials are ongoing to monitor the long-term effects of EBOO therapy.
Evidence-Based Results
Some small studies and tests have examined ozone therapy, a key component of EBOO. In them, it has a beneficial effect for such ailments as long-term infection, autoimmune disease, and heart disease.
How EBOO Improves Cellular Health
EBOO therapy promotes wellness at a cellular level through a significant boost in efficiency in the use of oxygen and in oxidative processes, respectively. After entering the bloodstream, ozonated water releases free radicals, which have an unprecedented role in healing at a cellular level, enhancing mitochondrial efficiency and detox processes.
Antioxidant defenses in the body strengthen, allowing cells to counteract oxidative stress and inflammation effectively. In addition, EBOO therapy promotes a boost in delivery of oxygen at a tissue level, with an improvement in metabolite and energy output at a cellular level.
By enhancing such critical processes, EBOO therapy promotes overall regeneration at a cellular level, counteracts toxins’ deleterious impact, and promotes healing at a whole-body level, culminating in increased wellness at a cellular level.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you want to learn more about how EBOO therapy can help you, now is the time to call Nenergy Boost at 424-485-0626 and we can help you benefit from this amazing procedure. Customized treatment plans are available to help you get the support you need.